Saturday, March 28, 2009

Love your wives!

This morning I had a conversation with someone who struggling in his marriage. His passions have been divided for years, and now is struggling to get the feelings for his wife to return. He started seeing a counselor for the issue. I told him that what he is experiencing are the consequences of his sin.

The same pattern exists in our relationship with Christ. We get ourselves so emotionally caught up in sin, that it becomes much more difficult to repent and turn to Christ. We fall so in love with that sin and become so used to living with that sin, the idea of living without it is almost impossible. Sin destroys lives!

"Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" (Romans 7:24-25). What we have to do is turn from our sin and turn to God. We must deny ourselves the temporary joy of sin, for the eternal joy of walking with Jesus (Hebrews 11:5-6). God must change our hearts and make us desire to do what is right (Ezekiel 36:11). However, I meet people who sit down and ask God to change their hearts, and when He does not change them - they walk head long into sin.

This is where concurrent actions comes in. When I am tempted to be unfaithful, or simply tempted to lust; what do I do? I know and affirm what God's will for my life is and I walk in that truth. As I walk in that truth God uses my obedience to change my heart. So, once again, I am tempted to lust. I know that God's will is that I not look on a woman with lust in my heart (Matt. 6). So, I look away, or look to my wife and remind myself of what a great love God has granted me for her. Within moments the lust is gone and God has changed my heart; reminding me what a sinful person I am and how blessed I am to know Him and my wife.

What is my call today? Men, love your wives!

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