Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Battle is the Lord’s (1 Samuel 17:46-47)

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand…and I will give the dead bodies of the hosts of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and the wild beasts…that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel and that all…may know that the battle is the Lords.


What a phenomenal man was David!  Out to the battlefield goes our shepherd to face the seasoned giant warrior with the faith in God that can move mountains.  His trust in the almighty to battle this giant gives us some key truths that are lacking in many believers and the church today. 

1. We battle so that people will know that there is a God in our lives. No matter the battle friends, we battle so that “all the earth will know that there is a God in…” us and our churches.  As Goliath comes against the armies of God, David is outraged that he would dare to defy the armies of God.  David’s main concern is not for Israel, it armies, his brothers, king Saul, or any other earthly thing; but rather his concern is that this army of heathen and the army of Israel seem to have no understanding that there is a God in Israel and that He is the one who battles for them. 

Christian, God battles for you!  The battle belongs to Him so that people will know that there is a God in your life.  Have you become content with sin in your life, thinking that there is no victory?  Friend this should not be!  God wants victory but He wants to bring it to you in a way that shows His glory in your life.  Christians, let’s fight sin and those things that hinder the gospel so that people will know that there is a God among us!

2. We have confidence in God’s deliverance when His glory is on the line.  This is a tough idea, but in this situation you can see how the nature and character of God are on the line.  Israel, God’s representative people, are cowering in fear.  What does this show about God?  David understand this, and approaches the man of Gath with confidence knowing the Lord will vindicate His name.  Notice that none of what David does is about Him, but it all about God. 

Friends, when we take up a battle for God’s glory and to further the greatness of His name, we can have confidence in victory in battle.  I must warn us all, that victory does not always come in the manner we would desire.  Not all get to take the head off of the giant that stands before them.  However, even steady growth in faithfulness to God in reading His word, prayer, and devotional time; help us to slay the giants of laziness, and worship of comfort. 

So I ask friends, what are your giants?  Are you fighting them so that all will know that there is a God with you?  What does you current reaction to the situation say about the nature and character of God?  Friends, fight the fight of faith in your life!  The battle is the Lords and He should be seen in your life!

Joyful New Year in Christ!

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